how to get in touch:

General Inquiries

General Inquiries

Alumni, log in to the Alumni Directory to update your contact information.

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We're here to help.

Your education is our highest priority, and we're committed to giving our applicants, current and admitted students and their families the best support along the journey.

In Arts & Sciences, our goal is to provide our academic community with the assistance and resources necessary for intellectual exploration and to foster a heightened spirit of inquiry and a familiarity with the ways in which thoughtful men and women have discovered those commitments and values that make life worthwhile.

Plan a Visit

Visiting the campus for yourself is best way to begin to envision yourself here, a WashU student contributing to this diverse, collaborative, meaningful community. The Office of Admissions can customize a visit just for you.

Schedule a visit

Explore St. Louis

Just minutes from WashU, you’ll find Forest Park, Cortex Innovation District, shopping and dining in the Delmar Loop and historic Central West End, and free access to our world-class Zoo, the St. Louis Art Museum, History Museum, and so much more.

About St. Louis
Botanical Gardens
Busch Stadium