2024 A.E. Hotchner Playwriting Festival

2024 A.E. Hotchner Playwriting Festival

For nearly 30 years, the Performing Arts Department has produced the A.E. Hotchner Playwriting Festival as a vehicle to support and develop new plays written by WashU students.

The annual Festival begins with a university-wide solicitation of new, unproduced plays. Several plays are selected, through an anonymized screening process, to be developed in a two-week event in September. During those two weeks, each play will be workshopped with a professional dramaturg, a faculty director and student cast. The Festival culminates in a public staged reading of each play. Assistant Professor Zachariah Ezer will serve as Festival dramaturg in September 2024. 

This year’s Festival is supported by a grant from Tim Hotchner.

Friday, September 20, 2024 at 7:30 p.m. 
by Zach Berger 
Directed by Jeffery Matthews 

Saturday, September 21, 2024 at 7:30 p.m. 
Follow the....  
by Frauke Thielecke 
Directed by Annamaria Pileggi 

All Readings take place in the A.E. Hotchner Studio Theatre 

Admission is free.