The Winter's Tale
Once upon a time . . . King Leontes of Sicilia accused his childhood friend King Polixenes of Bohemia of seducing his wife. His jealousy was groundless and preposterous, and yet no one could dissuade him from it. Even when the “Oracle” confirmed his wife Hermione’s innocence, he rejected the truth and pushed his entire kingdom into further turmoil. Ultimately, Leontes lost everything -- wife, family, and all those who loved him.
Years passed . . . and a new generation moved the world beyond the imperious behavior of delusional men. Geography shifted, magic became possible, and a world formerly driven by rage was re-envisioned to one where reconciliation and understanding prevail.
The Winter's Tale is Shakespeare’s grand and ambitious fable that defies categorization. Four hundred years later, everything thing about it seems custom made for our moment.
Translation by William Shakespeare
Directed by William Whitaker
February 23 & 24 and March 1 & 2 at 7:30 p.m.
February 25 and March 3 at 2 p.m.
Edison Theatre
Click Here to Purchase Tickets
Tickets go on Sale August 15, 2023!
Tickets are FREE to all WashU students with valid ID. To reserve your ticket, please visit the Washington University Box Office or call 314-935-6543. You can also claim a free ticket the night of at the box office window.