Latin American Studies Minor

As a Latin American studies minor, you will pursue an in-depth study of Latin America across diverse disciplines, theoretical approaches and historical periods. You will consider the region both in its specificity and in its connections to the world, through the study of Latin America's processes of internationalization and its changing position in global scenarios. 

sample courses:

Latin American Literatures and Cultures

How did Latin America become Latin America? This course explores the different inventions and reinventions of the region through its literatures and cultures. Beginning with the encounter of Europeans with America, students will engage themes like colonization and colonialism, urban and rural cultures, nation formation, modernization, media and popular culture, as well as gender and race relations. Authors studied may include Colón, Sor Juana, Sarmiento, Neruda, Borges, García Márquez, or Morejón.

Hispanic Art/Arte Hispano

This course focuses on the most important movements, artistic expressions and its representatives of the art history of Latin America and Spain. From the Pre-Columbian art of the Mayas, Aztecs and Incas, to the syncretism of Post-colonial Latin American art, the Mexican Muralism and the self-reconstruction portraits of Mexican artist Frida Kahlo to the Chicano Art in the U.S.A. From the Medieval paintings of religious Spain, to the criticism of the Spanish nobility by Diego Velazquez, the Spanish Civil War of "Guernica" by Pablo Picasso, to the Surrealism of Salvador Dalí and Antonio Gaudi. The students will visit the St. Louis and the Kemper Art Museums.