Bruce Fegley, Jr.

Bruce Fegley, Jr.

​Professor Emeritus of Earth, Environmental, and Planetary Sciences
PhD, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
research interests:
  • Planetary Chemistry
  • Cosmochemistry

contact info:

mailing address:

  • MSC 1169-204-110
    Washington University in St. Louis
    1 Brookings Drive
    St. Louis, MO 63130-4899

​Professor Fegley’s principal research interests involve experimental and theoretical studies of chemical processes in the early solar system, in proto-planetary accretion disks, in the proto-lunar disk, on planetary surfaces, and in planetary atmospheres.

Professor Fegley applies experimental and theoretical chemistry to key problems in astronomy, cosmochemistry, and planetary science to study a wide range of problems related to the chemistry taking place in a variety of environments, including gas giant planets (Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune), extra-solar planets, and brown dwarfs. His research considers the chemical processes in the early solar system and in stellar accretion disks, and he studies the interactions between planetary surfaces and planetary atmospheres.