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Arts & Sciences has over 1,000 faculty and staff who utilize their diverse expertise in the pursuit of research breakthroughs, gaining a deeper understanding of the world's most pressing issues and serving as mentors of the next generation.
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John E. Kelly

Angela Kelly

Kenneth F. Kelton

Matt Kerr

Katherine Kerschen

Tristram R. Kidder

Hillel J. Kieval

Hayana Kim

Mijeong Mimi Kim

Taewoong Kim

Sukkoo Kim

Young Whun Kim

Tamsin Kimoto

Chris King

Allison King

David Kinney

Gabi Kirilloff

Stephanie Kirk

Kari Kirk
Amanda Kirkpatrick

Christine Kirmaier

Caroline Kita

John Klein
Recent Faculty Grants & Awards
Taylor Carlson, assistant professor of political science in Arts & Sciences, has been awarded a Social Science Research Council Social Data Research Fellowship to study the extent to which user-generated content (i.e. comments) on social media platforms distorts information reported by mainstream news outlets. The fellowship comes with a $50,000 award.
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More from The Ampersand
Zacks installed as the Edgar James Swift Professor
Jeffrey Zacks, the Edgar James Swift Professor in Arts & Sciences, delivered an address titled “Life and the Mind.”

Isaacowitz wins mid-career award from the Society for Affective Science
The professor of psychological and brain sciences was honored for his work on aging, attention, and emotion.