Our people are extraordinary.
Arts & Sciences has over 1,000 faculty and staff who utilize their diverse expertise in the pursuit of research breakthroughs, gaining a deeper understanding of the world's most pressing issues and serving as mentors of the next generation.
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Boyd Millar
Kathryn Miller
Angela Miller
Ally Milner
Kevin Moeller
Margot Moinester
Peter Monahan
Debashis Mondal
Diana J. Montaño
Jacob Montgomery
Rick Moore
Molly Moore
Alicia Moore
Timothy Moore
Mabel Moraña
Robert Mark Morgan
Ayami Morita
Lucia Motolinia
Natalie Mueller
Shankar Mukherji
Jacob Muldoon
Jose'-Maria Munoz
Kater Murch
Recent Faculty Grants & Awards
Jeffrey M. Zacks, associate chair and professor of psychological and brain sciences in Arts & Sciences and professor of radiology at the School of Medicine, received a four-year $250,000 grant from the James S. McDonnell Foundation to study event cognition “in the wild.” This project will take the research into the world, where people actually experience events. Key to the research is “Unforgettable,” an infrastructure developed over the past decade by collaborator Simon Dennis, of the University of Melbourne, which helps people enrich and better understand their own memories while collecting data for a scientific exploration of event comprehension and memory.
See what our faculty are working on now
More from The AmpersandAre female politicians better advocates for their districts?
New research from the Department of Political Science found that women in the U.S. House of Representatives are more likely to emphasize their home districts.
At the Creative Practice Workshop, four WashU scholars elevate each other's writing
Workshop participants G’Ra Asim, Nancy E. Berg, Todd Decker, and Julia A. Walker trade notes on each other's work in free-flowing feedback sessions, allowing them to see their subject matter from different perspectives.