Rachel Brown

Rachel Brown

Assistant Professor of Women, Gender, and Sexuality Studies
Co-Director of Graduate Studies
PhD, The Graduate Center, City University of New York

contact info:

mailing address:

  • Washington University
    MSC 1078-0137-02
    One Brookings Drive
    St. Louis, MO 63130

Rachel Brown's research and teaching interests include feminist and queer political theory, settler colonialism, Marxist feminism, labor migration, transnational feminisms, and the politics of debt.

Brown earned her doctorate from The Graduate Center, City University of New York in 2017. Her book manuscript, Unsettled Labors: Migrant Caregivers in Palestine/Israel, is forthcoming from Duke University Press. Her work has appeared in Feminist TheoryPolitical Theory, Race & ClassInternational Feminist Journal of Politics, Theory & Event, and Global Networks.