Rachel Slaughter received her PhD in English Literature from Washington University. Her dissertation, “The Aristocracy of Consciousness: Connoisseurship in Modern Literature” (2007), examines the role of aesthetic judgment in American ex-patriot literature. She contributed as a research assistant to Langdon Hammer’s James Merrill: Life and Art (2015), the first biography of the well-known formalist poet. In addition she published a portfolio of Merrill’s “The Doodler” in The Paris Review and a digital resource for scholars of Merrill, “‘Lost in Translation’: Revision as Complication.” Since 2001, at Washington University and elsewhere, she has taught a variety of writing courses as well as literature courses on Jane Austen, Illness in Literature, Humor in Literature, and Class Consciousness. She is currently working on a family and life-narrative course.

Rachel Slaughter
Lecturer in College Writing
PHD, Washington University in St. Louis
BA, Amherst College
BA, Amherst College
contact info:
- Email: rlslaugh@wustl.edu
- Office: Mallinckrodt 134
mailing address:
- College Writing Program
MSC 1096-153-122
Washington University
1 Brookings Drive
St. Louis, MO 63130-4899