As an Arab American and the granddaughter of an immigrant, I grew up with an interest in the role of culture and identity in migration. My research focuses on how individuals conceptualize their communities, and with what consequences. I use survey and historical analysis to understand how religion defines community boundaries. Recently I have published work on regionalist parties and political elites contesting religious nationalism in Spain and France as well as work on the divisions among North Carolinian pastors on willingness to support political violence. I aim to contribute scholarship in research and in the classroom that will improve inter-group relations and social justice in pluralistic societies, with particular attention to addressing structural barriers to marginalized groups..

Stephanie N. Shady
Lecturer of Political Science
Associate Director of Graduate Studies
Associate Director of Graduate Studies
PhD, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
research interests:
- Migration
- National Identity
- Religion
- Political Behavior
contact info:
- Pronouns: she/her
- Email:
- Office: Seigle 251
mailing address:
MSC 1063-228-249
ST. LOUIS, MO 63130-4899