Major Exploration

What is Major Exploration?

Major exploration is a process of self-discovery involving fostering academic curiosity and reflecting on your interests, skills, values, and purpose in relation to an academic field of study. A major should be more than a pathway to a future career; it should be an intellectual endeavor that energizes you to study and grow as a student and person. There are many academic fields that students have not yet had the chance to study before college, which is why it is so important to research and investigate the possibilities available to you at WashU.  Major exploration should be an active process involving specific and measurable steps to help guide you in decision-making. Whatever major you choose, you will have academic advisors and career coaches to support your success at WashU and beyond.

Who is Major Exploration for? 

Major exploration is encouraged for all WashU students. Although many students may come in with ideas of what they would like to study, experiences within the classroom can often inspire students to examine subjects they had never considered before. This is why students are not required to declare a major until sophomore spring, so they may have plenty of time to explore their curiosities.  

Which type of Explorer are you? 

  • Completely undecided: Students in this group have not yet narrowed their academic interests. 
  • Deciding: Students in this group have narrowed their academic interests but may be deciding between several different majors. 
  • Reconsidering: Students in this group may already have a major declared or have been planning for a specific major but are now reconsidering their choice.
  • Decided: Students in this group feel very confident in their major choice and may be considering opportunities to broaden their understanding and experiences within their selected major.

Major Exploration Timeline

The first year is centered mainly around exploration. Depending on your academic and/or pre-professional interests coming in, you may be given suggested coursework to start you on a particular path. Some students may decide after one or two semesters that they are interested in a different path, which is okay! This is why advisors will strongly encourage you to take classes in various academic disciplines to expose you to multiple areas of study.

The second year is known as the decision year. All students must declare their primary Arts & Sciences major by February 22nd and nominate a curricular plan by March 31st. If you have narrowed your choices but are not yet 100% decided, you still have the fall semester to continue exploring potential majors. For students still undecided, we highly recommend engaging in multiple exploratory activities, keeping in mind that the deadline is getting closer for declaration.

Major exploration does not necessarily end when you have confirmed your major of choice. Once declared, you have continued opportunities to deepen your knowledge and understanding of your subject field, whether through undergraduate research, getting involved in a related internship or practicum, volunteering, or writing a senior thesis. Building relationships with faculty within your major department can inspire you and perhaps lead you down new pathways you had not considered. These connections can also be beneficial as you begin to prepare for your next steps after WashU, such as obtaining a strong letter of recommendation or networking in a career field of interest.

What if I have questions about careers?

Visit the Center for Career Engagement's website, which includes many curated resources to help you explore potential careers and majors.

Career & Major Exploration

Getting Started

 Understand the purpose and requirements of a major.  

The major is an academic home where you develop advanced critical thinking skills while studying a topic that inspires you with joy and curiosity. One of the most common myths is that a college major must equate to a narrow career or professional pathway. While some careers require very specific academic pathways, the vast majority do not require a specific major to be considered a viable candidate. For example, an English major can go into marketing just as an anthropology major can be a successful candidate for medical school. Liberal arts majors provide students a strong foundation in which they can gain valuable transferable knowledge and skills which prepares them for success post-graduation.

Another common myth is that a major takes up the bulk of a degree's course requirements. Most majors only take up one-fourth to one-third of a liberal arts degree, with the most time-intensive majors still accounting for less than half of the overall degree requirements. This means that there is time to explore your interests and potentially discover new interests.  

Discover your interests and strengths. 

The College of Arts & Sciences offers over 30 traditional majors and more than 20 interdisciplinary majors. Take some time to browse subjects of interest, reading course descriptions and major program requirements in the academic bulletin. Sign up for multiple courses of interest across a variety of academic disciplines to give yourself a wide breadth of experience. If you want more detailed guidance, consider taking one of several assessments the Center for Career Engagement provides. 

Network with faculty and staff. 

Start to build connections early on with faculty and staff. This can be as simple as visiting office hours regularly, asking faculty questions about their research, and being actively engaged in your classes. WashU has a vast resource network that includes career coaching, academic advising, and pre-professional advising, among many others. These individuals are here to help you and are experts in their fields, so be sure to ask questions and build rapport with staff as well! 

Not only does networking allow you to learn more about academic subjects of interest, but it could also open you up to future opportunities. Whether you assist a faculty member in their research, working as a teaching assistant or peer mentor, or establishing a new mentor with whom you can gain insight, the benefits of getting to know your faculty and staff are invaluable.  

Connect with peers. 

Getting involved in academic clubs and organizations is another way to explore what majors look like outside the classroom. Even if you are not yet sure what you would like to study, it is very common for students to try out various extracurricular activities and then narrow those down once they have a better idea of what they are most interested in. This is also a great opportunity to meet upper-class students who have had more time to experience the wide variety of academic disciplines here at WashU. Asking other students about their experiences and recommendations may be helpful as you continue to navigate the major exploration process. Just remember that each experience is unique, and ultimately, your opinion should be the one that matters the most when it comes to major selection. 

Additional Resources for Exploration