Talia Dan-Cohen

Talia Dan-Cohen

​Associate Professor of Sociocultural Anthropology
Associate Director of the Center for the Humanities
research interests:
  • Sociocultural Anthropology
  • Anthropology of Knowledge
  • Science and Technology Studies
  • Social Theory
  • Economic Anthropology

contact info:

mailing address:

  • Washington University
    CB 1114
    One Brookings Drive
    St. Louis, MO 63130-4899

Talia Dan-Cohen is an anthropologist of science and technology with interests that range across the history, philosophy, and social studies of science. She has conducted extensive research on the technological frontiers of the biosciences. Her more recent research questions complexity as an epistemic virtue. 

Her book, A Simpler Life: Synthetic Biological Experiments (Cornell University Press, 2021), approaches the field of synthetic biology by focusing on the experimental and institutional lives of practitioners in two lab at Princeton University. In these sites, Dan-Cohen examines the set of techno-epistemic practices that give both researchers' lives and synthetic life their distinctive contemporary forms. She is also the co-author of A Machine to Make a Future: Biotech Chronicle (Princeton University Press 2005, with Paul Rabinow). Dan-Cohen is currently working on a new book, entitled The Limits of Complexity, which examines the histories, uses, and abuses of complexity across several fields. 

recent courses

Economies as Cultural System (L48 3391)

Many contemporary approaches to economics downplay or bracket the importance of culture in the workings of economic systems. In this class we will focus on approaches to distribution and exchange in which culture and social institutions figure prominently, if not pre-eminently. We will sample a diverse array of economies, from gift exchange to the ceremonial destruction of wealth, from Melanesia to Wall Street, in order to evaluate some of the assumptions that undergird market capitalism. These assumptions include the perception of market actors exclusively as calculative, maximizing individuals. Topics to be covered include the Industrial Revolution; utilitarianism; economic anthropology; the formal vs. substantivist debates; ethnography of finance, and Marxist sociology.

    Culture, Power, Knowledge (L48 4367)

    We often think of knowledge as universal and objective. But anthropologists have long studied ways in which knowledge varies in different cultural settings. In this course, we will ask: What is knowledge, how does it arise, and what does it do? Is there such a thing as universal validity or is knowledge always tied to specific cultural practices? What happens when knowledge travels and how does knowledge figure in relations of power? We will approach these questions through works in anthropology, philosophy, and science studies.

      Selected Publications


      2021 A Simpler Life: Synthetic Biological Experiments. Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press.

      2005 A Machine to Make A Future: Biotech Chronicles, with Paul Rabinow. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press.


      "I Heart Complexity." Anthropological Quarterly (accepted).

      2020 "Tracing Complexity: The Case of Archaeology." American Anthropologist (forthcoming).

      2019 "Writing Thin." Anthropological Quarterly 92(3): 903-917.

      2017 “Epistemic Artifacts: On the Uses of Complexity in Anthropology.” Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute 23(2): 285-301.

      2016 “Ignoring Complexity: Epistemic Wagers and Knowledge Practices Among Synthetic Biologists.” Science, Technology and Human Values 41(5): 899-921.