Carol Jenkins

Carol Jenkins

Lecturer in Germanic Languages and Literatures
PhD, Washington University
research interests:
  • The History of Reception
  • The Biedermeier
  • Weimar, Germany
  • Literature and Society
  • Foreign Language Pedagogy

contact info:

mailing address:

  • Department of Comparative and Thought
    MSC 1104-146-319
    Washington University
    1 Brookings Drive
    St. Louis, MO 63130-489

Carol Jenkins’ research focuses on literary expressions of sociopolitical developments, particularly in the first half of the nineteenth and early years of the twentieth centuries.

Jenkins earned her bachelor’s degree from Carleton College, and her master’s and doctorate from Washington University. Her doctoral research on Adalbert Stifter’s politics, their expression in his work, and how the political sensibilities of his critics influence(d) the understanding  of them informs her work in all areas to this day. Having been employed previously as a teaching professor at the University of Missouri-St. Louis, this work consisted largely of course development on topics as diverse as crime stories, sports and leisure, German social democracy, children’s literature, and the culture of the Weimar Republic, as well as the creation of a five-course language sequence using only open educational resources. In her teaching, Dr. Jenkins strives to awaken in her students the spirit of possibility inherent in discovering new worlds through language, texts, and other cultural documents, and to make the field of German language and literatures appealing to a more diverse body of students.         

Recent Courses

German Reading Knowledge for Graduate Students II

Mastery of more specialized vocabulary and of complex German sentence structure. Emphasis on tools and strategies for researching German language texts. Students who complete L21 5071 and 5081 should be able to read German academic texts proficiently. Prerequisite: L21 5071 or equivalent.

Basic German: Core Course II

Continuation of German 101D. In preparation for more advanced academic study in German, this second course will further introduce students to fundamental German grammar, culture and history. It is comprised of a combination of situational lessons and tasks which will challenge their critical thinking abilities. Students in 102 will familiarize themselves with the language necessary to understand and give directions, apply for a job, and speak with a doctor; students will also read more advanced content such as Grimm's fairy tales and a text from Franz Kafka. Prerequisite: German 101D, the equivalent, or placement by examination. Students who complete this course successfully should enroll in German 210D.

Advanced German: Core Course V

Discussion of literary and non-literary texts combined with an intensive grammar review. Systematic introduction to the expressive functions of German with an emphasis on spoken and written communication. In addition to the regular class meetings, students should sign up for a twice-weekly subsection. Prerequisite: German 202D, German 210D, the equivalent, or placement by examination. Students who complete this course successfully should enter German 302D.