Philosophy Major: Philosophy of Science
As a philosophy major, you will consider the central questions of human life. If you plan to pursue philosophy as a second major in conjunction with work in the natural sciences, it is recommended that you follow the philosophy of science specialization. It is intended for those with a scientific background who have an interest in pursuing philosophical issues relating to the natural and physical sciences. This major is housed in the Department of Philosophy.
sample courses:
This is a first course in understanding the methodologies and styles of reasoning employed in the sciences. The course will provide insight into testing of theoretical hypotheses as well as inductive and probabilistic reasoning and their applications in science and ordinary decision-making. We will devote considerable time to case studies in the history of science as well as contemporary issues. The goal of the course is to develop a useful understanding of how to distinguish respectable scientific inquiry from less scientific and often disreputable uses and abuses of this methodology.
A critical examination, in the light of contemporary moral disagreements and traditional ethical theories, of some of the moral issues arising out of medical practice and experimentation in our society. Issues that might be discussed include euthanasia, genetic engineering, organ transplants, medical malpractice, the allocation of medical resources, and the rights of the patient.
our students have gone on to become:
Philosophy Professors
Science Writers