Tate, Camp Yeakey elected to National Academy of Education

Two Washington University in St. Louis faculty in Arts & Sciences have been elected as the newest members of the National Academy of Education (NAEd) for outstanding scholarship on education.

William F. Tate and Carol Camp Yeakey are the first Washington University faculty to be elected to the prestigious group, one of the highest honors available to academic scholars whose research focuses on education and education related phenomena.

Nominations are submitted by individual members once a year for review, and election is by the entire membership.

Tate, the Edward Mallinckrodt Distinguished University Professor in Arts & Sciences, also serves as dean of The Graduate School and vice provost for graduate education.

Tate has been a member of the faculty since 2002. His research focuses on the social determinants of mathematics and science attainment, and epidemiological evaluations of social policy, such as the intended and unintended consequences of education, alcohol, and drug policies on adolescent development. A faculty scholar with the Institute for Public Health, he holds additional appointments in several interdisciplinary programs including African and African-American Studies.

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