Back Credit Policy
Students who place into and satisfactorily complete higher-level courses at Washington University may be eligible to earn units of Back Credit for preceding courses per the department's review and approval. Credit is not awarded twice if a student has already earned the Back Credit units from transfer credit or AP scores.
Credit is typically awarded for completing the following courses with a grade of B- or better. Native speakers are not eligible for back credit; evidence of secondary or post-secondary study of the language is required.
L04 211 or 212 = 3 units for 102D
L04 360 or 361 = 3 units for 102D and 3 units for 212
L05 213 or 214 = 3 units for 104D
L05 412 or 413 = 3 units for 104D and 3 units for 214
L51 217 or 218 = 3 units for 118D
L51 417 or 418 = 3 units for 118D and 3 units for 218
Credit is awarded for the following courses with a grade B or better. Native speakers are not eligible for back credit; evidence of secondary or post-secondary study of the language is required. No back credit is awarded for 102 or 301.
203D = 3 units for 102D
204D = 3 units for 203D and 3 units for 102D
307D = 3 units for 204D and 3 units for 203D
308D = 3 units for 307D and 3 units for 204D (credit awarded for placement, completion of the course is not required)
Credit is typically awarded for completing the following courses with a grade of B- or better. Native speakers are not eligible for back credit; evidence of secondary or post-secondary study of the language is required.
201D = 3 units for 102D
202D = 3 units for 102D and 3 units for 201D
301D = 3 units for 102D and 3 units for 201D
302D = 3 units for 102D and 3 units for 201D
For students who started German at WashU prior to fall 2021:
210D = 3 units for 102 D
301D = 3 units for 102D and 3 units for 210D
302D = 3 units for 102D and 3 units for 210D
Students may be awarded 3 units of credit for Greek 101D upon completion of Greek 210. Students may be awarded 3 units of credit for Greek 101D and 3 units of credit for Greek 102D upon completion of Greek 317C or 318C with a grade of B or better. Placement at the appropriate level is determined by departmental examination.
Credit is awarded for the following courses with a grade B or better. Native speakers are not eligible for back credit; evidence of secondary or post-secondary study of the language is required. No back credit is awarded for 101 or 301.
201D = 3 units for 102D
307D = 3 units for 201D and 3 units for 102D
308D = 3 units for 307D and 3 units for 201D (credit awarded for placement, completion of the course is not required)
Credit is typically awarded for completing the following courses with a grade of B- or better. Native speakers are not eligible for back credit; evidence of secondary or post-secondary study of the language is required.
L49 207D or 208D = 3 units for 108D
L49 307D or 308D = 3 units for 207D and 3 units for 208D
Starting 2021-22: L49 3075 or 3085 = 3 units for 207D and 3 units for 208D
L49 407 or 408 = 3 units for 307D and 3 units for 308D
L74 2011 or 2012 = 3 units for 1012
L74 320D or 322 = 3 units for 1012 and 3 units for 2012
L74 384 or 385 = 3 units for 1012 and 3 for 2012
L74 4011 or 402 = 3 units for 2012 and 3 units for 322D
L73 201 or 202 = 3 units for 112D
L73 301 or 302 = 3 units for 201 and 3 units for 202
L73 232 = 3 units for 151
L73 250 or 251 = 3 units for 151
L73 305 or 306 = 3 units for 232 and 3 units for 232A
Students may be awarded 4 units of credit for L10 101D and 4 units of credit for L10 102D upon completion of Latin 301 or 3161 or 3171 or 3181 with a grade of B or better. Placement in the appropriate course is determined by examination.
Students who complete one of the following courses with a grade of C+ or better at Washington University are eligible for back credit. Credit is not awarded twice for transfer or AP scores.
132 = 3 units for 131
233 = 3 units for 131 and 3 units for 132
All Other Courses = no credit
Students can receive back credit for up to 6 credits contingent on their successfully completing (B or higher) the next level. Native speakers are not eligible for back credit; evidence of secondary or post-secondary study of the language is required.
322D, 324D = 3 units for 211 and 3 units for 212D
211D, 212D = 3 credits for 102D
All students seeking back credit or wishing to enroll in a Spanish class must take the Spanish placement exam first, regardless of previous experience in the language. Credit is awarded for the following courses with a grade B or better. Native speakers are not eligible for back credit. Heritage speakers of Spanish may receive back credit provided secondary or post-secondary study of the language and certification by the Director of Undergraduate Studies in Spanish. No back credit is awarded for 101 or 223.
201E = 3units for 102D
202 = 3 units for 201E and 3 units for 102D
302, 3021 = 3 units for 202 and 3 units for 201E
For students in the old Spanish program only:
307D= 3 units for 202 and 3 units for 201E
308E = 3 units for 307D* and 3 units for 202
*Students who placed in 308E in the old requirements may get 3 units for 307D and 3 units for 202. Back credit for 307D can only be used for elective credit. It cannot be used towards a Spanish major or minor.