Obligations and Expectations of Students and Instructors

Student learning is best facilitated when both students and instructors are aware of and adhere to the institutional norms and practices of undergraduate education in Arts & Sciences. The following lists summarize the basic obligations and expectations of each group and were generated by the Arts & Sciences Undergraduate Education Advisory Committee. A more extensive description of expectations can be found in the university’s Teaching and Learning at Washington University: A Statement of Best Practices and Expectations.

Obligations and expectations of undergraduate students

As an undergraduate student you are expected to:

  • Assume an active role in your learning and education
  • Understand and comply with course requirements, expectations, and policies as articulated in the course syllabus
    • Note: Course policies vary from course to course (and from one section of a course to the next), meaning that the individual instructor determines:
      • expectations and grade implications (if any) regarding attendance and participation
      • grading methodology and grading scale
      • policies regarding the possibility for and (if allowed) the terms governing late work or extensions, make-up exams, and re-grading
  • Regularly consult course syllabus and Canvas page when seeking information; take initiative in seeking assistance from the instructor to clarify course content and assignments 
  • Address any conflicts in syllabus and exam scheduling in a timely manner (e.g., at the start of the semester)
  • Adhere to the Academic Integrity Policy and Student Conduct Code
  • Attend the full duration of and be actively engaged in all classes; adhere to instructor’s expectations for the use of technology in class; behave in a respectful manner to the instructor and to your fellow students
  • Acquire all required course materials in the specified format
  • Come prepared to each class having completed the assigned reading, problem sets, etc.
  • Complete all assignments by their deadline; be aware that late submission of work may not be permitted
  • Request extensions for assignments before the due date; be aware that some courses may not allow extended deadlines at all
  • Spend a minimum of 2-3 hours studying outside of class for every hour spent in class (e.g., for a 3-unit class, you can expect to spend approximately 6-9 hours per week on reading, assignments, and review of course content)
  • Notify instructors of issues and respond to instructor emails in a timely and responsible manner through Canvas or WashU email account

Obligations and expectations of instructors

As an instructor you are expected to:

  •  Interact with students in a professional, ethical, equitable, and constructive manner
  • Provide information about the course in the form of a course syllabus (available on the Canvas page) on or prior to the first day of class
    • Note: Some of the key elements of a course syllabus are:
      • the course description and learning objectives
      • clear policies regarding attendance and participation
      • course grading methodology, criteria for evaluation of assignments and assessments, and a grading scale
      • information about office hours and means of communicating with the instructor (through Canvas or WashU email account)
      • a detailed schedule of class meetings along with assigned readings, problem sets, etc. to be completed before each class session
      • deadlines for major assignments and/or dates of exams and other course activities
      • university-level guidelines and policies (e.g., regarding academic integrity, disability resources, religious holidays, etc.)
  • Inform students in a timely manner of any changes to information in the syllabus
  • Provide course materials in a timely manner in Canvas or information about how to access materials and/or technologies
  • Provide guidelines for assignments or assessments
  • Provide timely grading of and feedback on assignments and regularly communicate with students regarding their progress (e.g., through formal midterm grades, Canvas Gradebook, or graded assignments)
  • Adhere to all student-related policies maintained by the Office of the Provost
  • Observe scheduled class times and hold regularly scheduled office hours 
  • Comply with FERPA
  • Provide reasonable accommodations as approved by Disability Resources
  • Adhere to the final examination schedule 
  • Submit final grades in a timely manner