I am an anthropologist of science and medicine with a broad interest in computer-human interaction and the cultural politics of mental health, particularly the rise of electronic mental health programs. My research focuses on new popular discourses which cast mental health as a discrete thing which "everyone has" and must tend to. It argues that these digital technologies, especially automated and self-guided therapy apps, play a key role in this transformation. I conduct ethnographic research in Australia, where self-guided therapy apps enjoy public funding as part of a Government effort to reduce the burden on the healthcare system. In addition to my research, I am also deeply passionate about teaching. Through critical and generous reading of theory and ethnography, film, pop culture, and current events. I am committed to helping my students understand medicine as a political, economic, and social endeavor, in addition to a scientific one.

Aaron Neiman
Lecturer in Sociocultural Anthropology
Stanford University (2023 PhD, Anthropology)
Hampshire College (2016 BA, Anthropology)
Hampshire College (2016 BA, Anthropology)
contact info:
mailing address:
- Washington University
CB 1114
One Brookings Drive
St. Louis, MO 63130-4899