Our people are extraordinary.
Arts & Sciences has over 1,000 faculty and staff who utilize their diverse expertise in the pursuit of research breakthroughs, gaining a deeper understanding of the world's most pressing issues and serving as mentors of the next generation.
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Housni Bennis
Nancy Berg
Elizabeth Bernhardt
Iver Bernstein
Ruth Berson
Anna F. Bialek
Kate Bloomquist
Stefanie Boese
Elizabeth Borgwardt
Daniel Bornstein
Virginia Braxs
Eric Brown
J. Andrew Brown
J. Dillon Brown
Rachel Brown
William Bubelis
Sebastian Buhts
Patrick Burke
Colin Burnett
Pannill Camp
Tarrell Campbell
Tamara Campbell
Maryse Carlin
Recent Faculty Grants & Awards
Kevin Moeller, professor of chemistry in Arts & Sciences, recently received a nearly $1.2 million grant from the National Science Foundation. The award will support Moeller’s work with the collaborative Center for Synthetic Organic Electrochemistry.
See what our faculty are working on now
More from The AmpersandAre female politicians better advocates for their districts?
New research from the Department of Political Science found that women in the U.S. House of Representatives are more likely to emphasize their home districts.
At the Creative Practice Workshop, four WashU scholars elevate each other's writing
Workshop participants G’Ra Asim, Nancy E. Berg, Todd Decker, and Julia A. Walker trade notes on each other's work in free-flowing feedback sessions, allowing them to see their subject matter from different perspectives.