Our people are extraordinary.
Arts & Sciences has over 1,000 faculty and staff who utilize their diverse expertise in the pursuit of research breakthroughs, gaining a deeper understanding of the world's most pressing issues and serving as mentors of the next generation.
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William Acree
Rachel Adams
Cassie Adcock
Ama Bemma Adwetewa-Badu
Jami Ake
W. Mark Akin
Tazeen Ali
Elizabeth Allen
Jeffrey Anderson
Nicola Aravecchia
Jennifer Arch
G'Ra Asim
Kara Baldus-Mehrmann
Mary Jo Bang
Joe Barcroft
Anne Baril
Pamela Barmash
Marisa Barragán-Peugnet
Colin Bassett
Guinn Batten
John Baugh
Anne Margaret Baxley
Kurt Beals
Monique Bedasse
Deanna Benjamin
Housni Bennis
Nancy E. Berg
Elizabeth Bernhardt
Iver Bernstein
Ruth Berson
Anna F. Bialek
Kate Bloomquist
Stefanie Boese
Elizabeth Borgwardt
Daniel Bornstein
Virginia Braxs
J. Andrew Brown
J. Dillon Brown
Rachel Brown
Eric Brown
William Bubelis
Sebastian Buhts
Patrick Burke
Colin Burnett
Pannill Camp
Tamara Campbell
Tarrell Campbell
Maryse Carlin
Flora Cassen
Shefali Chandra
Richard Chapman
Lingchei Letty Chen
Jianqing Chen
Elizabeth C. Childs
Rebecca Chung
Amy Eisen Cislo
Noah Cohan
Erika Conti
Rebecca Copeland
Becko Copenhaver
Carl F. Craver
Lionel Cuillé
Tili Boon Cuillé
Rebeca Cunill
Elena Dalla Torre
Kelly Daniel-Decker
Bethany Daniels
Joanna Dee Das
Steve Davis
Kathryn Davis
Todd Decker
El Hadji Samba Amadou Diallo
Jody Doran
Christopher Douthitt
Mark Dowell
Ben Duane
Danielle Dutton
Gerald Early
Lauren Eldridge Stewart
Chris A. Eng
Matt Erlin
Nathaniel Farrell
Jonathan Fenderson
Nina Ferrigno
Erin Finneran
Kathleen Finneran
André Fischer
Douglas Flowe
Hannah Frey
Andrea Friedman
Rebeca Fromm Ayoroa
Eileen G'Sell
Javier García Liendo
Jason Gardner
Jennifer Gartley
Sandra Geary
Florent Ghys
Andrew Gott
Kasey Grady
Seth Graebner
Dominique Green
R. Marie Griffith
James Gulledge
Kat Haklin
Elinor Harrison
Allan Hazlett
John Heil FAHA
Anthony Heinemann
Wren Henderson
Robert Henke
Reem Hilu
Ron Himes
Steve Hindle
Sunghee Hinners
Elizabeth Hogan
Ian Hollenbaugh
Dana Hotle
Rita Hu
Holly Huelskamp
Elizabeth Hunter
Brett Hyde
Pascal Ifri
Dustin R. Iler
John D. Inazu
Ignacio Infante
Silvian Iticovici
Candice Ivory
Martin Jacobs
Meera Jain
Sara Jay
Lance Jenott
Sarah Johnson
Christine Johnson
Nathaniel B. Jones
Vincent Jouane
Hyeok Hweon Kang
Roy Kasten
Peter Kastor
Cathy Keane
Tom Keeline
Katherine Kerschen
Hillel J. Kieval
Mijeong Mimi Kim
Chris King
Gabrielle Kirilloff
Stephanie Kirk
Amanda Kirkpatrick
Caroline Kita
John Klein
Kristina Kleutghen
Marshall Klimasewiski
Krister Knapp
Christine Knoblauch-O'Neal
Nic Koziolek
Elena V. Kravchenko
Kenneth Kulosa
Esther Viola Kurtz
Jeffrey Kurtzman
Uluğ Kuzuoğlu
Jonathan Kvanvig
Silvia Ledesma Ortiz
Ji-Eun Lee
Carole Lemire-Bowman
William Lenihan
Diane Wei Lewis
Carter W. Lewis
Huiyun Liang
Grace Lillard
Tabea Alexa Linhard
Joe Loewenstein
Jen Logan Meyer
Kyle Lombard
Kenneth Ludmerer
Paul Michael Lützeler
Zhao Ma
Phillip Maciak
Laurie F. Maffly-Kipp
Deirdre Maitre
Ron Mallon
Zachary Manditch-Prottas
Raven Maragh-Lloyd
David Marchant
Marvin Marcus
Jeffery Matthews
William J. Maxwell
Paige McGinley
Matt McGrath
William McKelvy
Edward McPherson
Rebecca Messbarger
Steven Meyer
Melanie Micir
Robert Milder
Boyd Millar
Angela Miller
Peter Monahan
Diana Montaño
Timothy Moore
Mabel Moraña
Robert Mark Morgan
Sowande' Mustakeem
Mungai Mutonya
Timothy Myers
Erik Nesse
Michael O'Bryan
Casey O'Callaghan
Mikael Olsson Berggren
Tai Oney
Eloísa Palafox
Nelson Pardiño
Timothy Parsons
Anca Parvulescu
Amy Pawl
Mark Gregory Pegg
Dolores Pesce
Carl Phillips
Steven Pijut
Annamaria Pileggi
Stephanie Pippin
Anya Plutynski
Alessandro Poletto
Graziella Postolache
John Powers
Jane Price
Sarah Price
Noël Prince
Louis Privitera
Philip Purchase
Barbara Raedeke
Christina Ramos
Lawrence Revard
Jonathan Reycraft
Nancy Reynolds
Martin Riker
Phil Ring
Juan Pablo Rodriguez Argente
Jessica Rosenfeld
Alan Rosenkoetter
Nathan Ruggles
Luis Alejandro Salas
Ignacio Sánchez Prado
Michael Sanders
Christine Sasse
Sean Savoie
Wolfram Schmidgen
Leigh E. Schmidt
Nancy Schnurr
David Schuman
Henry I. Schvey
Rebecca Sears
Toqeer Shah
Michael Sherberg
Ila Sheren
Vincent Sherry
Matthew Shipe
Julie Singer
Elzbieta Sklodowska
Virginia Slachman
Rachel Slaughter
Cecil Slaughter
Robert Snarrenberg
Andrew Sobel
Claire Sommers
Zoe Stamatopoulou
Christopher Stark
Alexander Stefaniak
Paul Steinbeck
Amanda Stewart
Harriet Stone
Megan Stout
Rami Stucky
Gaylyn Studlar
Eyal Tamir
Younasse Tarbouni
Lynne Tatlock
Tamara Taylor
Terri Taylor
Victoria Thomas
Manuela Topalbegovic
Corinna Treitel
Akiko Tsuchiya
Andrea Urice
Brian Vaccaro
Miguel Valerio
Mark Valeri
Abram Van Engen
Joel Vanderheyden
Vincent Varvel
Madhavi Verma
Grace Waitman
Julia A. Walker
Anika Walke
William E. Wallace
Dave Walsh
Parkorn Wangpaiboonkit
Rebecca Wanzo
Geoff K. Ward
David H. Warren
Aileen Waters
Lori Watson
Lori Watt
Mary Weber
Timothy Weddle
Noa Weinberg
Kit Wellman
William Whitaker
Gerhild Williams
K. Eliza Williamson
Kathryn Wilson
Elisabeth Windle
Claire Workinger
Iva Youkilis
Hayrettin Yücesoy
Rafia Zafar
Irene Zurita Moreno
Recent Faculty Grants & Awards
Jeffrey M. Zacks, associate chair and professor of psychological and brain sciences in Arts & Sciences and professor of radiology at the School of Medicine, received a four-year $250,000 grant from the James S. McDonnell Foundation to study event cognition “in the wild.” This project will take the research into the world, where people actually experience events. Key to the research is “Unforgettable,” an infrastructure developed over the past decade by collaborator Simon Dennis, of the University of Melbourne, which helps people enrich and better understand their own memories while collecting data for a scientific exploration of event comprehension and memory.
See what our faculty are working on now
More from The Ampersand
Zacks installed as the Edgar James Swift Professor
Jeffrey Zacks, the Edgar James Swift Professor in Arts & Sciences, delivered an address titled “Life and the Mind.”

Isaacowitz wins mid-career award from the Society for Affective Science
The professor of psychological and brain sciences was honored for his work on aging, attention, and emotion.